Subject: Has your polling station changed? If so, then read below:

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    • #23098

      Subject: Has your polling station changed? If so, then read below


      As a result of the new census our wards have been redistricted.

      Sample ballots for the Tuesday April 17 Board of Education election were received on Thursday April 12. You may have noticed that your polling station has changed to a place much further away (e.g. from the Kennedy School, PS3, or Main Library to PS11 in Journal square or PS37 in Hamilton Park). If you are not sure where to go or you’re not able to get the polling station listed on your ballot then you have 2 options to get your vote to count

      1. Go to your nearest polling station on Tuesday, April 17 and we will have volunteers there to verify your correct polling stations and a shuttle to take you to your place to vote. Shuttles will be available from 7-9am and 5-8pm.
      2. If you’re not able to make it to the polling station at all then please email or call 201.936.4176 and we’ll set up alternate arrangements.

      You may be offered a provisional ballot by the County, but we would suggest you get you to the correct polling station- this is the best way to ensure that your vote gets counted because it will be directly entered into the machine by you.

      You must be a registered voter to vote on the Tuesday, April 17 Board of Education election. If you are not registered then we can help you to get registered after the 17th for the next election.

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