Super Duper Tennis Indoor Winter Tennis In Jersey City
Register Now for Indoor Winter Tennis In Jersy City
- We are SUPER DUPER excited to kick off our first Winter Season @ the Brunswick Center, Jersey City’s new BEST indoor tennis option!
- Tues & Fri after-school kids lessons, and Sunday mornings with Coach Joy & Chris 8-11 AM
- PLUS, our new 10-13yo Grand Aces Fridays 6-7 PM!
- ADULTS, you can now keep playing locally in Jersey City over winter! The Brunswick Center is HUGE, and we’re offering ADULT GROUPS on Tues, Thurs, Fri, and Sun mornings!
- And as always, we’re back at Grace Church Gym Mon Tues & Thurs after school
- 3yo Mini Aces, 4yo Tiny Aces, 5-6yo Little Aces, and 7-9yo Big Aces have many options to suit your schedule.
- We’re also back at the Waldo School on Saturdays & Sundays, teaching small kids groups in their new, clean gym at 110 First St.
- Our Winter ’24 season consists of 10-12 classes that run Jan through Mar (skipping President’s Day Weekend)
- ALL classes will have free makeup tacked on to the end of the season
- For players who have taken a few seasons with us, we are now offering “Returners” classes, which will offer slightly more advanced training
- ALL equipment is provided; have your child (or you) bring water and wear sneakers!
- Custom groups ANDS Privates may also be available; email Coach Leo for options and pricing.
- Register HERE for Winter 2024!
PS – Just a FEW spot left @ Hoboken’s
HOPES Rue Gym Sat – grab those HERE: https://newjersey.superdupertennis.com/nj-hoboken
*Some of these classes are already sold out. To get on the waitlist, just email Coach Leo!

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