From Hamilton Park Association:


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    • #22765

      Update – Sprinkler systems in Hamilton Park – please help to maintain them
      Fyi: DPW, plumbers, & sprinkler system workers were in and out of the park all this week working on the park’s sprinkler & water systems.

      An end of the week status report said the sprinkler systems for grass & flowers work.

      The systems for both the “splash pad water feature” and “toddler bubble up feature” are at low water pressure due to a problem at the street which is the responsibility of the water company to repair. Will keep you posted.

      -Children’s Playground:
      The drinking fountain’s bowl in the children’s playground was very clogged and overflowing when in use due to children having shoved twigs & debris in the drain and in clogging the bowl’s drainage.

      -Splash pad: Children been seen taking the mulch inside the splash pad and throwing it towards the middle of the splash pad.

      As the feature’s water runs, this much of this mulch ends up clogging the splash pad drains. Several volunteers have been sweeping the mulch back into the bush areas to clear the pad of the mulch and prevent clogged up drains.

      -Large Iron Fountain:
      The fountain has to remain clear of debris – flowers, twigs, paper, garbage, cigarette butts, etc., in order for the pump to work properly to recycle the water.

      Please Help: If you see something – say something.

      Please help to keep these water systems clear & up and running.

      If you happen to see kids with their parents doing any of the behavior mentioned above, please say something to help them understand and prevent further clogging up these water systems.


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