
6 Ways To Lose The Lethargic Feeling

Written by JCFamilies

6 Ways To Lose The Lethargic Feeling

Does any of this sound familiar?

– Feeling slower, more sluggish than usual

– Waking up TIRED

– Craving more sugar and carbs

We’re still in a pandemic and the last couple of years have been a CRAZY rollercoaster ride, so there’s that.

It’s also the time of year if you live in the Northern Hemisphere when the days are getting shorter and the outside temperatures are dropping. You produce more of the hormone melatonin with the lack of sunlight, which generally makes you feel more fatigued. 

If you have already checked in with your doctor to rule out a serious health condition or vitamin deficiencies, here are six practices you can easily implement TODAY to help lose that lethargic feeling.

6 Ways to Lose the Lethargic Feeling

  1. Go outside. Take in as much daylight as you can. A quick lunchtime stroll–even 15 minutes to go grab food–can help tremendously.
  2. MOVE! Movement can energize you, but it’s tough to be motivated to exercise when you’re tired. Consider having a workout plan and/or an accountability buddy.
  3. Eat your winter veggies. Remember to add the naturally bright and colorful veggies to your shopping cart, too.
  4. Consume less added sugar. For those of us who are not endurance or performance athletes, the added sugars satisfy you only briefly, make you crash hard, and often lead to you reaching for more.
  5. Stay hydrated throughout the day. Drink 8-12oz of water, coconut water, or green tea before every meal. You can also make your own juices and smoothies as well as consume hydrating fruits and vegetables like oranges or cucumbers. 
  6. Take a mini-break–or two! Break up your work day with 10 to 20-minutes of resting your body completely, meditating, mindfully breathing, or stretching.

Onboard with the ideas above, and would love to turn some or all of these into daily habits, but you could use accountability during the busy end-of-year rush? Coach Mel invites you to hop on her FREE 14 Days of Fitness Challenge where you will receive:

  • 14 days of FITNESS, NUTRITION, and WELLNESS challenges you can easily incorporate into your regular schedule
  • Daily accountability prompts via text beginning 11/29 and ending 12/12 
  • An early holiday gift of health and wellness to YOURSELF!

Interested in learning more about joining the FREE 14 Days of Fitness Challenge? They will be dropping more details on how to sign up starting the week of November 15th. Make sure you are following @coachmelmovement on Instagram!


About Coach Mel: 

Coach Mel is a personal trainer and nutrition coach based in Jersey City, New Jersey. She believes that “movement is life” and has dedicated the last several years of her career in the health and fitness industry to empowering people to make their overall wellness a priority. Mel is a semi-retired professional photographer, and her favorite role to date is being an aunt to two amazing kids.


About the author


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