Charities/donations in Jersey City


Written by JCFamilies


The holiday season is upon us! It’s always nice to receive during this time of year, but it is the season of giving after all especially this year. Gifting your loved ones’ socks, a new gaming system, or a necklace is great, but what about those who may not be as fortunate as you? Celebrate the true meaning of the holidays by donating your time, money, old clothes, or food to some amazing organizations. We’ve created a  list of the places you can give back to in Jersey City.

JCFamilies Inc.

JCFamilies is a charitable organization and most of our events (18 to 20 events per year) are free to attend for the Jersey City community and take place in public parks. Since 2010, JCFamilies has been dedicated to serving and supporting families in the Jersey City area. We bring parents and families from the local communities together through our events, classes, meet-ups as well as on our website. Our goal is to provide fun-filled family events and provide free resources to families. However, in order to run this organization that everybody loves so much, we need your help! If you enjoyed our events this year or if our resources have helped you in any way, we would love your support to continue doing more! Please donate to JCFamilies!

Jersey City Mutual Aid Society

JCMAS is a group of neighbors who are working together to support our fellow neighbors. They collect donations and connect them to other mutual aid groups in our community that are directly helping our neighbors who need assistance. JCMAS is 100% volunteer-run. 

Youth Foundation of Jersey City

The Youth Foundation of Jersey City, 501(c)(3), provides extra support for all students in our community. They focus on the critical needs of high-quality educational, recreational, cultural, and community enrichment programs. From backpacks to books, computers to sports equipment, they are here to help provide what our community needs. You can donate to them here.

Angela CARES, Inc.

AngelaCARES serve as an advocate and support system for senior citizens, a support system for senior caregivers, and a mentor to the youth by educating and empowering them to volunteer. We are committed to strengthening communities by enhancing the quality of life through empowering our seniors, their caregivers, and the youth.

Jersey Cares Frosty’s Friends

Every year during the holiday season, Jersey Cares gives volunteers the opportunity to give back directly to a child in need through our annual gift-giving program. Frosty’s Friends aims to spread holiday cheer to children in shelters or transitional housing facilities. Volunteers will receive a note from a child with their agency information and gift ideas. Corporate and civic groups are highly encouraged to register. They also recruit volunteers to wrap gifts that are purchased via our Amazon Wish List – check the Jersey Cares Project Calendar in December for dates and times. For more information, contact Meagan at (973) 533-1993 or There are other ways to donate to them as well. You can read more here.

Annual Jersey Cares Coat Drive

For the past 23 years, The Jersey Cares Coat Drive has mobilized the collection and distribution of thousands of “gently used” winter coats to men, women, children, and infants in need. Last year, with the help of sorting and donating, Jersey Cares collected more than 20,000 coats throughout the state of New Jersey. Get involved by registering here!  You can even host your own online coat drive! Read more here. 

York Street Project

The mission of the York Street Project is to weave innovative programs that shelter, feed, educate and promote the healing as well as the independence of persons in need, especially women and their children. There are many opportunities to get involved with York Street Project including donation drives, working with children, internships, and more!

Family Promise of Hudson County

Family Promise addresses homelessness by utilizing the resources of volunteer congregations. Congregations provide space in their buildings to serve as temporary homes for homeless families. Additionally, each Family Promise affiliate also has a day center, where families can take showers, receive case management and look for housing and jobs. You can donate funds, donate items, or volunteer. 

Hoboken Shelter

The Hoboken Shelter’s mission is to be a community partnership that transforms lives by providing meals for the hungry, shelter for the homeless, and services to support people to become housed. Hoboken Shelter is always looking for donations(donate here) but they also have an Amazon wishlist that they have been updating. They are having a fundraising auction this year. Read more about it here. 

Hope House

Hope House, an emergency shelter for homeless women with children, helps families become self-sufficient by giving them an opportunity for decision making and for assuming responsibility for improving their situation under the supervision, support, and guidance of shelter staff. They are also always looking for more donations in the form of canned goods or cereals for the children. Here are ways to donate to them.

Women Rising

For over 110 years, WomenRising is the foremost community-based organization for women in Hudson County. The organization also assists women and their families to achieve self-sufficiency and live safe, productive, as well as fulfilling lives, through social services, economic development, as well as advocacy services. Click here and see how you can help them this holiday season.

Liberty Humane Society

Liberty Human Society‘s mission is to foster a community of compassion and respect and provide animals in need with a chance at a lifelong, loving home. Additionally, the Liberty Humane Society is an open admission shelter that contracts with Jersey City, Bayonne, and Hoboken. Also, volunteers play a major role in helping the shelter run smoothly! Find out how you can help here.

Team Walker

They were founded in 1996 by Jersey City natives, Jerry and Jasper Walker to provide a better quality of life for the children of Jersey City. Additionally, Team Walker offers youth academic athletic programs as well as community outreach programs. Donate to them this season here.

The Sharing Place

One of Hudson County’s oldest and largest food pantries serving the needs of low and very-low-income families and individuals, The Sharing Place provides groceries (including fresh produce, meats, proteins, dairy, eggs, and non-perishables) each month. Also, you can always donate food supplies to the pantry.

Make-A-Wish Foundation

For children diagnosed with critical illnesses, a wish come true can be a crucial turning point in their lives. Of course, a wish can be that spark that helps these children believe that anything is possible and gives them the strength to fight harder against their illnesses. That’s exactly what Make-A-Wish Foundation does. So they grant the wishes of children to make them happy during this time! Help a child’s wish come true this season. More details here.

Feeding America

This nonprofit’s mission is to “feed America’s hungry through a nationwide network of member food banks and engage our country in the fight to end hunger.” To donate click here. It only takes a few minutes to help families have a full table for the holidays.

Dress For Success 

Dress for Success is a global not-for-profit organization that empowers women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire and the development tools to help women thrive in work and in life. You can donate here. 

Updated November 2023

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  • I have a bunch of unopened Legos that my son totally forgot about and is no longer interested in them. Where can I donate and/or drop these Legos off?

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