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Save Time and Money by Hiring a Contractor

When considering home remodeling or renovation projects, home owners rarely like the idea of hiring a contractor.  We live in a “do it yourself” society, and many people believe they can save time and money by doing the work...

Recipes Uncategorized

No-Pan Pancakes

Hello moms! I know that many of you have really hectic schedules everyday – from getting your kids ready for school, to household chores, to daily errands, to the stress from your careers, to getting balanced and nutritious...


Easy & Mess-Free Peanut Butter Cookies

Hello moms! Here is another easy, delicious, and guilt-free recipe to satisfy your and your family’s sweet tooth without the hassle, and with ingredients you already have in your kitchen. The best part about this particular...

Things to do

Farms Near Jersey City

Farms Near Jersey City Although there are a ton of great things to do in Jersey City, when summer rolls around, sometimes you just have to get out of the hot city. Remember, New Jersey isn’t called the “Garden...

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